DVD's |
project based training for After Effects 7 |
Price: $95.00
Inside Adobe Souundtrack Pro The essential tool for motion graphics
and visual effect, now updated.
The release
of After Effects 7 offers new power and flexibility to designers
in the creation of motion-graphics on both Mac and PC. From
the ability to work in 32-bit color space to the powerful
new Graph Editor, After Effects 7 offers a range of features
to take you to the next level of motion-graphics design and
animation. In this training, instructors Seth Gordon and Luis
Lopez walk you through all of the new features in After Effects
7, including all youll need to know to create your own
original broadcast and HD motion-graphic design, Flash Video
Export, RAW file management, integrated workflow with Adobe
Premiere, improved interface feature description and all of
the other additions in this powerful upgrade to the After
Effects application.
training for Encore DVD |
Price: $95.00
In this
over 3-hour training DVD youll get up and running with
Adobe Encore DVD by working along with the instructor to design
and author a professional DVD. Instructor and professional
video producer, J?rgen Miller will show you the essentials
for working in this program, as well as time-saving shortcuts
and tips. By the end of the training youll feel comfortable
with such concepts as working with templates, creating assets
in Photoshop, creating motion menus, formatting for DVD-5
or DVD-9, and much much more!
project based training for Photoshop CS2 |
You'll learn
from our expert instructor Steve Weinrebe - Adobe Certified
Photoshop Instructor since 1991 and President of award-winning
Weinrebe Productions - who will take you through real-world
projects and examples in a fully interactive, completely self-paced,
intuitive video environment.
Fundamentals of mental ray in XSI" provides over 2.5
hours of project-driven training and guides you step-by-step
through XSI's powerful native rendering engine, mental ray.
Perfect for students, professionals, and companies using mental
ray in their creative workflow,
project based training for Premiere Pro 2 |
Price: $95.00
In this
training, Terry Nauheim, visual artist and media professor,
focuses on the new features of Adobe? Premiere? Pro 2.0. Youll
learn to: capture and edit HD footage; take advantage of Premiere
Pros new Multi-Camera monitor to edit 4 camera angles;
edit picture and sound for a short film; export using the
Adobe Media Encoder; and create a DVD interface. Other featured
topics include: workspace customization; the Adobe Bridge;
and dynamic linking with After Effects. Suitable for all skill
levels, Terry's practical approach will have you working confidently
own your own in just a few short hours.
project based training for Illustrator CS2 |
Price: $95.00
From Blends and Effects to incredible new features like Live
Trace and Live Paint, Adobe Certified Instructor, Jeff Witchel's
easy-to-follow lessons will help you master new ways to create
assets quickly and efficiently in Illustrator CS 2. Many of
the features discussed are completely undocumented, and are
sure to cut time and production costs from your projects. |
Inside Adobes Production
studio standard |
Price: $243.00
DMTS Inside Adobe Production Studio - Project Based Training.
Award winning Production Studio tutorial DVD by DMTS - Learn
the latest tips, tricks, and tutorials in Production Studio.
With approximately
20 hours of comprehensive training suitable for those already
familiar with prior versions of these applications, as well
as those new to Adobes creative products, this training
bundle will have you working quickly and confidently without
costly classes, phone calls to help lines, or time-consuming
trial and error learning. Each aspect of the training is taught
by an instructor expert in the specific craft, and expert
in the pertinent Adobe application. The training includes
comprehensive lessons on all of the new features of these
applications, as well complete media files so that you can
work alongside our instructors.
Price: $95.00
In this
tutorial, NLE expert Philip Nelson, will teach you the basics
of using the most popular editing software available. Beginning
with capturing footage, trimming, editing and finalizing your
project, this training DVD will give you the necessary tools
to understand and successfully edit with AVID Xpress Pro.
VT[4] |
Price: $95.00
You'll learn to take advantage of the VT[4]s advanced
editing features, and be ready to tackle your next project with
skill and confidence. Whether you're new to VT, or a seasoned
Toaster veteran who just upgraded, this VT training is a must-have!
Instructor, Faraz Ahmed will help you use VT[4] to meet your
production and post-production needs.
Complete training
for Tricaster/Tricaster pro
Price $95.00
With our
TriCaster & TriCaster PRO training, you'll
go from novice to productive user in just over an hour - the
same day you unpack your box, you'll have mastered the system!
Walk through hardware and software setup, and then get up
to speed quickly and easily using NewTek's latest portable
powerhouse. If you're just starting with the TriCaster
or TriCaster PRO , or if you're considering purchasing
this unit, then our training is for you!
LightWave 3D: From the Beginning
by Layne Smith
Price $39.95
This video has been a long time in the making and LightWave
users have been asking for something like this for even longer.
LightWave from the Beginning is just what the title says, everything
you need to know about LightWave, from the beginning.
This video is more than 10 hours of LightWave training from
installation, and adding plugin's to modeling, texturing,
lighting and rendering. This video is designed to get new
users up to speed on the interface and toolset in LightWave
quickly and easily.
Max Training Videos |
Price $34.95
3ds Max most commonly out
sells all the other 3d applications. Is this because its
the best
maybe, maybe not but if you want the best chance
of being prepared in most studios of getting a job in 3d dont
you think it would be beneficial to play the numbers and learn
3Ds Max
This video is ideal for beginners in 3d but where it really
shines is for someone who knows another 3d application and is
looking to learn 3Ds Max and has little time to do it.
training for Sony Vegas 7 |
Price $125.00
A legend in the Vegas community, Timothy Duncan walks the viewer
step-by-step through Sony Vegas in disc 1 while peppering the
training with amazing tips and suggestions sure to satisfy the
most demanding editor. This new training package is designed
for beginners and expert Vegas users alike. Disc 2 focuses on
the important updates in Sony Vegas 7.
6 + DVD Architect 3 Training DVD
Price $99.95
These DVDs provide you with the best and most qualified hands-on
experience available for learning Vegas and DVD Architect
software. Authored by the same people who wrote the software,
this unique system provides you not only with a guided and interactive
tour through the programs, but also with all of the content
you'll need to get the most out of this personalized experience.
1 & 2 contain five interactive, tutorial-style
class sessions.
3 Content DVD contains all of the media you'll
need to follow along with the classes.
Forge Software Training DVDs
Price 99.00
DVDs provide you with the best and most qualified hands-on
experience available for learning Sound Forge 8 software.
Authored by the same people who wrote the software, this unique
system provides you not only with a guided and interactive
tour through the program, but also with the content you'll
need to get the most out of this experience. The training
also includes a brief introduction to CD Architect and a look
at the new interactivity between CD Architect and Sound Forge.
1 & 2 contain five interactive, tutorial-style
class sessions.
3 Content DVD contains all of the media you'll
need to follow along with the classes.
Pro Software Training DVD
Price $99.00
This comprehensive
DVD set provides you with the best and most qualified hands-on
experience available for learning ACID Pro software. Authored
by the same people who wrote the software, this unique system
provides you not only with a guided and interactive tour of
ACID Pro software, but also with all of the content you'll
need to get the most out of the experience.
1 & 2 contain four interactive, tutorial-style
class sessions.
3 Content CD contains all of the media you'll need
to follow along with the classes.
Awesome Video
Price $20.00
This complete "film-school-on-a-disc" contains a total
production course in camera operation, shooting aesthetics,
lighting, location audio and a bonus behind-the-scenes shoot
section. simple to navigate- but tons of info. it is "ISMized"-
synchronized text and graphics enhance and support the concepts
being shown in a evolutionary format. "WebLink" button-
click to ask a question and share ideas with other DV creators. |